Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Perfect Porridge

I've always loved Porridge! There's a million ways to enjoy it of course, but here's my method...

-1 measure of Porridge Oats.
-1 measure of milk.
-1 measure of water.
-Bring to the boil, stirring throughout.
-Remove from heat, cover and leave for 5 minutes.
-Serve, sprinkled with brown sugar (naughty!)

Obviously there are variations on this and I have, for some time now, used these instant microwave packs, but there's nothing quite like making it on the stove.
I remember when I lived in Scotland they used to make it with all water, no milk and salt - which I didn't like at all!
Honey, syrup, fruit - pretty much anything can be added to taste of course.
Good healthy high-fibre grub!
What's your method or variation?

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