Thursday, 1 February 2024

PodHubUK Podcasts for the Month of January 2024

...a roundup of our month of podcasting. Links to the team, communities and podcast homes on the net at the foot, so scroll down!

Whatever Works
Episode 200 - A Double Century!
Wednesday 3rd January
Aidan and I bring you this landmark show, 8 years on, with nods to fellow founders Richard Yates and David Rich back in January 2016. So a new theme tune, but lots of the usual kind of mayhem and fun, so do join us for a small celebration as we're joined in turn by Gareth Williams and Chris Kelly.

Phones Sho
w Chat
Episode 783 - Noting the Zenfone
Saturday 6th January
Mike Robins joins Steve and I this week as we natter about all sorts of good mobile stuff, including what Mike's been using, me looking forward to the arrival of the Flip5 and Steve musing on speakers and cameras-in-phones compared to a 30x Zoom Compact or Marshall Willen!

Tech Addicts Podcast
Scratching that Twitch
Sunday 7th January
Gareth and I are back for 2024, dribbling over tech! In this show, an investigation into the sexy streamings on Twitch, the Incognito mode judgment, Nuclear container ships, an e-book reader from Onyx, Samsung AI, Motorola AI, Microsoft AI, Google AI and the Retroid Pocket 4 amongst much more!

or Room
Episode 154 - Society Minus One
Wednesday 10th January
Allan, Gareth and I are back again with our first roundup of all things film, cinema and TV for 2024. Godzilla, Chicken and all sorts of Cold Prey found within The Ruins in Mexico, the Andes and Dangerous Waters is on our plate! So come and join us for a bumper-length outing!

Phones Sho
w Chat
Episode 784 - Death to Passwords and Big Phones
Saturday 13th January
It's been far too long since Jamie Holland was our guest, so Steve and I fixed that and welcomed him in for a chat about what's going on in the world of IT security and what tech he's using just now. Loads of other stuff too, including my findings with the Flip5 for a week and Steve's take on nuclear-powered phones!

Phones Show Chat
Episode 785 - Why Stop at Three NexDocks?
Saturday 20th January
Steve and I are joined this week by Mark Finlay who tells us all about the devices and services he's been using since last on, in 2020. We also natter about the Samsung Unpacked event, Ready4 and DeX, Sony and Flip phones, even The Duo - something for everyone!

Tech Addicts Podcast
It's a Ring Thing
Sunday 21st January
Gareth and I 
bring you our fortnightly roundup of techy trinkets. We caress CES by kipping on our cars, daisy-chaining pogos, Rabbiting on about the R1, Think(hybrid)Book, go retro with FiiO, climb with Casio and Ring the planet with mirrors - and fingers with Rings! Plus loads more!

or Room
Episode 155 - Post Office Monsters
Thursday 25th January
Allan, Gareth and I are back again with another bumper-length look at what we've all been watching in film, cinema and TV. This time we Treat on Burt Reynolds, conduct an Autopsy on The Stranger For All Mankind and go Freelance as we Lift Crazy Eights! Loads more of course, so do get stuck in!

Phones Sho
w Chat
Episode 786 - Getting Our Geek On: Fixing the iPhone and Surface Duo 2
Saturday 27th January
Steve and I clear out the store room this week, mopping up the lingering left-overs! It's Surface Duo, Nokia and pimping the Fairphone for me whilst Steve takes the Flipping Samsung Smart Switch challenge. Plenty more besides, so do join us for an hour.

Whatever Works
Episode 201 - Trimming the Pink!
Monday 29th January
Aidan and I are back with another roundup of Whatever Works for us and you, enveloped in a plethora of pesticulance and plankfire! Lots of goodies as we hear from a man who found a pair of gloves with 7 fingers and a woman who once ate the shell of a turtle before lunch! Pod is available in the usual places, so get stuck in and enjoy. Or you will be punished.

The Podcasts
PodHubUK - Phones Show Chat - The Phones Show - Whatever Works - Chewing Gum for the Ears - Projector Room - Tech Addicts

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