Monday, 29 July 2024

The Sadness (2021)

This is a completely bonkers (un)Zombie film - no Zombies! The difference here is that, behave as people might do, when they're killed, they're dead! But that doesn't stop them having fun along the way once infected with Virus Alvin!

Virus Alvin, as helpfully explained by a Virologist in the last act, is a virus which possesses people and turns them into something like an evil spirit. The virus impacts the brain's area that usually controls aggressive urges towards others and governs sexual drive. Those infected are still alive, they can still reason, make logical decisions and understand what they are doing, but it doesn't impede the imagination - and the urge to be physically and sexually violent towards others. A desire too strong to resist - so they indulge.

While they are doing this they often have a range of emotions, including crying, hence the title of the film, and they, like Zombies, don't attack each other because (in this case) the pleasure is in inflicting suffering on their victim. As the virologist says, people don't rape those who are willing. Well, not usually! Anyway, I'm sure by now you can see where this is going!

A film full of blood, guts, gore, maiming, killing eating others alive, inflicting pain, raping (any gender will do) and much more. The victims can infect others by blood contamination or any other bodily fluid exchange! What's fun about it is that, unlike Zombie films, the assailants can, and do, talk and say what they are thinking - what they are going to do to their victims and how they are going to make them suffer!

There's loads of low-budget effects going on in this Chinese film, some of which is laughable, but the main ingredient is blood with everyone covered in it and it being splattered about most of the scenes. In the middle of all this, unbelievably, there's a love story going on as we follow the separate paths on the day in question of boy and girlfriend from before they are awake in the morning until the bloody climax. No, not that one!

The actors and crew clearly have had a lot of fun making this and it often comes across as comic, though of course darkly comic - and as it was made in 2021, had something to say about the world and Covid, no doubt. It's actually half-decently paced as we build to the crescendo, follow our two lovers as they try to find each other amongst the mayhem and has a few moments here and there of tension and suspense. But not many.

I don't know any of the actors, I'm afraid, nor crew, but I felt that I'd enjoyed the ride and, as I say, I reckon they did too. It is quite nasty and shocking, I guess a horror film, but you get the feeling that the tongue is often very much in the cheek. Or out of it in some instances! The hundred minutes flew by, subtitled as it was, and I didn't feel like I'd wasted my time at all. Probably says more about me than them! Hold onto your hats!

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