Saturday, 18 May 2024

XtremeSkins Skin for the PixelBook

Thanks to Lee from XtremeSkins for sending over a couple of samples to transform this 2017 PixelBook. Kudos to them for still stocking these. £18 for the full set, which, compared to a phone's set is good-looking value as there's loads of it for pretty much every panel and cutout, which work perfectly.

Sticky enough to stay in place but not too sticky to be a problem removing.

They even have covers for the trackpad if you want to use the whole set - and it works right through it!

This is White Marble, but there are loads of colours to choose from.

This is my opinion only and I really am impressed. Do head over and support XtremeSkins for skins for all sorts of devices for us here at the Tech Addicts and Phones Show Chat podcasts.

Highly recommended. Love this look!

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