Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Headless (2015)

Blimey! Hold onto your hats - well, heads, actually. This is not one for the faint hearted for sure. A gore-fest from start to finish in which a man randomly, mostly, selects women in order to get them back to his den where he lops their heads of, cuts various other bits of their bodies apart, copulates with the severed head and eats their eyeballs! I warned you!

You have to wonder why people would make a film like this really. I guess it must appeal to some. I tend to watch films like this out of fascination to see how low everyone can stoop. And this one's pretty low. Diabolical acting, low-budget, hardly any dialogue - just this fruit-loop doing the above.

There is a backstory of course, which gets flashed back to, involving him being locked up in a cage as a child by the female members of his family and fed raw rabbit's heads, and the appearance of some boy, who appears as an (I think) imaginary friend - then comes back later in this film to direct the grown-up boy's antics and validate his actions. Well, to him at least!

It is a completely bonkers blood-bath, not terribly well made, though they seem to have shot it in the style of a 1970's underground movie - there's even a Coming Soon/Feature Presentation (Tarantino style) at the beginning, like you'd see in a cinema outing back then!

Oh yes, and the 'highlights' of the action, for some reason, are all pretty much flashed-forward to in the first few minutes of the film. So you don't really need to watch it! Anyway, if anyone fancies the challenge, it's currently being screened for free on the Plex directory. Bonkers!

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