Sunday, 5 January 2025

Dream Home (2010)

Josie Ho is the star of this bonkers Hong Kong film under the bloodthirsty control of director Ho-Cheung Pang. And bloodthirsty it is! Billed as a slasher/horror, it's just that, as a feeble plotline is tacked onto the back of the gore and maiming!

Our central character is itching to get her hands of a certain apartment but can't afford it, so goes out to ruthlessly raise money in any way she can (even letting her dad die when she could have saved him) and generating a drop in demand for said apartment (thus a cheaper price for her) by turning it into a kind of serial-killer/gore location that nobody else would want to buy!

It's all good fun really, but I'm afraid that it wants to take itself seriously instead of embracing just that! Anyway, she goes on a murderous rampage with nothing left to the imagination. Plenty of nudity too and leaping around on the timeline as it tries to give us a flavour of her abused childhood and motivators for getting up the socioeconomic ladder. Sometimes we're given dates as to where we are, other times we have to work it out. I caught it on DailyMotion, but couldn't find it anywhere else. Have fun!

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