Friday, 1 November 2024

PodHubUK Podcasts for the Month of October 2024

  ...a roundup of our month of podcasting. Links to the team, communities and podcast homes on the net at the foot, so scroll down!

Projector Room
Episode 171 - Lee's Beaver
Wednesday 2nd October

Gareth, Allan and I are back again with another roundup of the film, cinema and TV stuff we've been watching - along with yourselves. Demons destruct Halos, Munich meets M3gan, Knives Out for Stath in his Flats, there's No Exit to Tulsa but there is a Jawsathon!

Phones Show Chat
Episode 822 - Pump up the Power, Fire up the Diagnostics!
Saturday 5th October

It's just Steve and I this week as we catch up with stuff hangin' about! Cables that tell you charging info, Gemini Live, live(!), Xperia vs Pixel 8 sound, resetting and Beta testing, Anti-Theft from Google and a Treo of looks back at the Golden Age of Smartphones! It's all here - good job there wasn't a guest really!

Whatever Works
Episode 213 - A Scones and Scons QuickMix!
Monday 7th October

Aidan and I are back once more with a veritable feast of fortnightly fumblings! This time we offer a Lazy Susan to Hazel's BeeLink, whisk up some interest in British Egg Week, firk around with French Butter, purify Epoxy Resin and tons more besides. Do join us for an hour and you won't regret it. Well, you might. Try anyway - YOLO!

Phones Show Chat
Episode 823 - N950 to Clicks!
Saturday 5th October

Steve and I are joined this week by Liangchen Chen, the man behind the f(x)tec Pro1 and Clicks Keyboard. We chat about his work, how his projects evolved and what he thinks about the current state of mobile. Plus lots of the usual stuff including a brand new Moto, Beta dabblings and Shorts galore from Steve.

Projector Room
Episode 172 - A Wednesday Kipperbang
Wednesday 16th October

Gareth, Allan and I are back again with our regular look at all things film, cinema and TV. We Outrun a Beetlejuice or two, leap to Level 16 with Eyes of Fire, focus on Denzel Washington - the Unstoppable Bone Collector - and even fire off the Odd Angry Shot in 1992! Loads more as always, so do join us!

Phones Show Chat
Episode 824 - Updates and Accessibility!
Sunday 20th October

Michael Hell was our guest on the pod this week. Steve and I find out what he's been up to for the last few years. We chat Pixel a lot, for 'tis his leaning, but also indulge in a Eulogy for the Surface Duo, an Android 15 drill-down, more on Moto's Flip's screen vs Samsung's and we even have time for a look back at the first Android phone in Bygone Beauties.

Whatever Works
Episode 214 - Gnasher Basher!
Monday 21st October

Aidan and I are here again to slag stuff off, raise some up and treat the rest with amused tolerance! We invite you to an hour of the usual mayhem as we think about Whatever Works for us and you, stroking our well-waxed and groomed beards as we do! It'll be kickin' about it the usual corners of t'internet!

Phones Show Chat
Episode 825 - Special Edition Incoming
Sunday 27th October

Steve and I welcome Alan Newton back this week, I think the PSC record-holder for numbers of device-switches in the shortest time! We find out about what he's using now, a bit Sammy, a bit Pixel, a bit iPhone, chat about Sony's Music Pro app update, Moto's Smart Connect, Special Editions, importing phones and even have time for Photo of the Month for September.

Projector Room
Episode 173 - An Exorcistic Oddity
Wednesday 30th October

Gareth, Allan and I are back again with another fortnightly roundup of all things film, cinema and TV - this time with a Halloween leaning as we pick a film each for The Main Feature that scared the shit out of us years ago! We give The Gift of Robin Hood to Carol as we focus on Cate Blanchett in Themed Treats, grab some thrills and scares in Coming Soon and conclude that You'll Never Find Me if I keep Moving!

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