Thursday, 1 August 2024

PodHubUK Podcasts for the Month of July 2024

  ...a roundup of our month of podcasting. Links to the team, communities and podcast homes on the net at the foot, so scroll down!

Phones Show Chat
Episode 809 - The Big iPhone Decision
Sunday 7th July
One for Apple fans this week as Steve chats with James Honeyball about all things iPhone and I sulk in the corner, eventually sneaking in some thoughts about my new Moto, spoiling the general atmos!

Projector Room
Episode 165 - Beverly Hills Dumplings
Wednesday 10th July
Gareth, Allan and I are back to bring you a bumper-length catch-up show in which we treat on Martin Landau, take Dark Matter to A Quiet Place, say Nope to a Code of Silence and even dump a Hit Man! Loads more including what's Coming Soon, so do join us.

Phones Sho
w Chat
Episode 810 - Smartphones, Smartwatches, Smart Health
Sunday 14th July
Steve and I welcome JB Walsh back again this week to chat about all things mobile, especially JB's medical activities as he makes the very best use of technology. Great, as always to hear about his work. I sneak in too with some preliminary thoughts about the OnePlus 12R and continued enjoyment of Motorola.

Whatever Works
Episode 209 - Triple Slow Cod Roe!
Tuesday 16th July
Aidan and I 
are here again to save you cash on sleeping pills as we meander through the mayhem of another fun-packed bunch of chaos! Why not shave a Bunny's head with us, cross-action, while we light up the Moon with luxury socks! Pick the bones out of that! But not the cod roe! Available now in the usual places!

Tech Addicts Podcast
Measuring Your Ring
Sunday 21st July
Gareth and I bring you a large dollop of drivel as we pretend to know about the Samsung Galaxy Ring, Google Gemini, Pixii Max, Poco Pad, Turtlebox Gen 2, FiiO DM13, Miniproca, ChromeBox Plus, Immich, Analogue Pocket and much more. Or less. More or less. Available via the usual seedy haunts.

Phones Sho
w Chat
Episode 811 - Moved by Claude
Sunday 21st July
Steve Nutt joins Steve and I this week as we get an update on Accessibility and a live demo of some very impressive photographic-based AI tools available for people with sight impairments (as it assesses our Photo of the Month winner and runner-up) while Samsung summarises my audio. We natter about great folding keyboards, Sony audio and loads more.

or Room
Episode 166 - Abigail's Horizon
Wednesday 24th July
Gareth, Allan and I are back with another round of all things film, cinema and TV. This time we take a Medieval Turkish Class, visit A Town Called Hell, catch The Flu in a Cruel and Unusual way and finally Fall and Rise in A Room with a View - Live from Baghdad! Loads more as always, so do join us.

Phones Show Chat
Episode 812 - Motorola and Contrails in the Skyline
Sunday 28th July
Steve and I are back with a two-header this week as I review the Motorola Edge 50 Pro, Buds+ and look at more Samsung gear while Steve starts out with the HMD Skyline and covers tech in his new vehicle. We also go nostalgic with Moto Mods and loads more.

The Podcasts

PodHubUK - Phones Show Chat - The Phones Show - Whatever Works - Chewing Gum for the Ears - Projector Room - Tech Addicts

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