Tuesday 19 March 2024

Damsel (2024)

Not quite sure why I watched this Disney-style dark fantasy, fire-breathing dragon, prince/princess kingdom type film - but I did! And I was willing to give it up as a daft kid's romp, but I really rather enjoyed it and surprised myself by sticking around until the end.

Millie Bobby Brown in the lead was most engaging, Ray Winstone was, well, Ray Winstone, and a great time was had by all as one kingdom's family is duped by another. One needing money for their crumbling empire, the other needing a bride to feed to the dragon who needed appeasing for some dubious prior debt. Though of course Kingdom 2 doesn't reveal that part of the deal until later!

It then becomes a survival adventure as the goodies try to escape the beast whilst teaching the baddies a lesson or two and Princess Elodie turns into Lara Croft!

Very nicely animated, often quite dark, elements of mystery, feel-good and revenge, but the main attraction is certainly the adventure. You might like it! The family certainly will.

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